Vocabulary Showcase 1st and 2nd Grade Vocabulary ShowcaseWednesday, March 27 at 10:00 AM. Parents are welcome to attend!
Social Media Presentation for Parents Join us on March 14th at 7pm.Most children use some form of social media and have a profile on a social networking site. Learn about social media and your child.
Franklin School Spelling Bee Congratulations to all students who qualified to participate in the 2018-19 Franklin School Spelling Bee!
STEM Academy Application Attention all 8th-grade students. Are you interested in attending the North Bergen STEM Academy? If yes click here to go the Academy homepage and fill out the application before December 3rd.
Franklin School Book Fair November 26th - November 29th 9am-2pmParents' Night 7pm-9pmShop Online from November 21st - December 4th
Halloween Parade! On Wednesday, October 31st, Franklin School will proudly be holding it's annual Halloween Parade in front of our school at 1:15pm. (Click title for more information).