8th Grade Math
Thank you for visiting my webpage!
I have had the pleasure of being a teacher at Franklin School for the past 20 years as both a BSIP/Title 1 teacher and 8th grade mathematics teacher. My goal is to best prepare students for higher level math in high school and beyond in a safe and welcoming environment. We will continue to strengthen the foundational skills acquired in prior grade levels to ensure student success.
Families will also be invited to join Google Classrooms and can view their student's progress and assignments. In addition, families should check their emails regularly for 8th grade announcements, updates, and other important information. I would also encourage parents/families to join the correct Remind Group in order to receive announcements in real time and to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Remind codes for each class will be emailed at the start of the school year. When joining, please include the name of your student. It will make it much easier for me to keep track of which adults belong to each of the students. :-)
If families have any questions and concerns or need to contact me, please use Remind, email me directly or call Franklin School to make an appointment. I am available for appointments at either 8:30 am or 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Please visit the PARENT PORTAL regularly for up to date grades. Login information is available through the main office: 201-974-7007.
Extra help is offered on an as needed basis on Wednesdays from 3-3:25. Students should come prepared with specific questions for review.