Chris Paglione » Mr. Paglione 8th grade resource

Mr. Paglione 8th grade resource

Welcome back!!!! I hope you and your families are healthy and ready for school.   My name is Mr. Paglione, most kids know me as Mr. P or Mr. Pags.  I have been a special education teacher for 25 years.  I have worked at Franklin and McKinley Schools during those years. I will be following the students throughout the day in all subjects during the day.  I am looking forward to getting to know all of you during the year.   I am available at anytime at my school email, which I check throughout the day.  Please monitor your child's google classroom as I will post important information and announcements.  If there is anything I can do to help your child adjust to this school year please reach out to me and we can work together to aide in your child's progress.