School Nurse » Physicals


Physical Forms

A physical needs to be completed and returned to the school nurse yearly. Physicals go according to age and grade of child. Please choose the physical that corresponds to your child. Before leaving your appointment ensure that the physical is filled out completely, signed and stamped by the physician. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our office. We are here to help you.

Sport Physical Forms

Any student playing a school sport in grades 5th – 8th must have a sports physical exam done by their doctor prior to the sport starting. Before leaving your appointment ensure that the physical is filled out completely, signed and stamped by the physician.

Mandatory Vaccines

All students who are entering grade 6 or are 11 years old are required by the State of NJ to have a T-dap and Meningococcal vaccine. Please provide their updated vaccine record.