School Nurse » School Nurse Roles

School Nurse Roles


Our Mission Statement

In order to promote the educational development of your child, both mentally and physically, the North Bergen Board of Education has established a modern Health Services Department. It is the policy of this department to stress the healthful aspects of living and the prevention of illness and disease.


Our Goal

It is our goal to partner with you and the staff to keep students healthy and ready to learn. Please feel free to contact us with any health concerns regarding your child.


School Nurse Roles and Responsibilities


What your school nurse does:

  • Provide care to students who become ill while in school
  • Provide basic first aid for incidents that occur during school hours
  • Administer medication as ordered by a student’s physician
  • Communicate with parents, administrators, and faculty
  • Manage chronic conditions and develop health plans for students with disabilities
  • To provide accommodation for their chronic conditions and disability under state and federal law.
  • Handle life-threatening emergency situations
  • Screen for conditions that impair learning such as: poor vision or hearing
  • Ensure immunization compliance
  • Track communicable diseases
  • Promote healthy behaviors and educate children about healthy lifestyles
  • Respond to student’s physical and emotional concerns
  • Connect children with insurance and health care providers
  • Prepare for school wide and community emergencies


What your school nurse can NOT do:

  • Diagnose or treat illnesses or serious injuries
  • Give any medication, including over the counter, not prescribed by a doctor